WEEE Boxes

Thank you to Noreen from Blessington Tidy Towns who sourced a large quantity of WEEE Boxes from WEEE Ireland and distributed them and collected them in the housing estates in Blessington and in businesses too. Now these supports are self sufficient in the WEEE program and regular WEEE recycling is being actioned. A great result all round. BTT also collect discarded vapes that were litter and recycle them in the WEEE boxes as part of our regular litter picking runs.

There are several key advantages to WEEE recycling for batteries in Ireland:

Environmental Protection

  • Prevents hazardous materials from entering landfills: Batteries contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium. Improper disposal lets these toxins seep into the soil and groundwater, contaminating the environment. WEEE recycling ensures safe extraction and disposal of these materials.
  • Reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: Manufacturing new batteries from scratch is energy-intensive and creates pollution. Recycling batteries significantly lowers the need for raw materials, minimising environmental impact.

Supports a Circular Economy

  • Contributes to sustainable practices: Recycling batteries encourages a circular economy where materials are reused rather than wasted. This helps Ireland achieve environmental goals and reduce dependency on new resources.
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